A male bower bird nest, I think they are spectacular, what an intriguing bird... |
In breaking last weeks news, B won the door prize at a Business After Hours event hosted by Argyle Diamonds, I'll let you guess what it might have been, here he is receiving his award! Proud GF right here.
Now onto the topic at hand, hobbies...
I have never had to occupy quite so much
time before. My life has always, maybe reluctantly at times, been filled with
school then university and all that comes with living in a town you grew up in,
travelling to new places, taking on constant challenges and enjoying every
moment. Now, however I am on a quest in search of things to fill my time, more productively than TV/screen time.
One thing I have always enjoyed is writing,
if I am in the right mind space I thoroughly enjoy the process of writing or
shall I say typing as that is what I am more inclined to do these days. I did
have numerous journals growing up, reading back over them I cringe at how corny
they were and what I dwelt on as a teen. I can’t believe I am even able to
refer to myself as a once teen, now I am well and truly into my mid-twenties...ugghhh!!
Christmas cake, waiting to be iced. |
I have always said to people, I
enjoy reading, gardening, sport (a select few), running (more recent, but I am
beginning to enjoy it, especially that feeling once you have finished), and
socialising with friends, particularly spending hours in coffee shops or
wandering through botanic gardens (oh how I miss that life). Then there was a
slight shift when we started spending summers in WA, rural WA, where there were
no coffee shops, or botanic gardens, however there was a library and I could
Tomatoes starting to find their place in the world |
Here in Halls Creek, we are very isolated,
the closest town is 290km away and that is Fitzroy Crossing, basically, it’s
the same size as here, they do have the Geikie Gorge and a great very famous
resort/hotel, but that it. Not much in it for a day trip. The next closest is
Kununurra, much much bigger than here, Kununurra boasts Lake Argyle, Argyle
Diamond mine, owned by Rio Tinto, but doing some fabulous things for the
Kimberley, the Ord River, El Questro, and the list goes on. However, it is
still a country town and limited to an extent with what they offer. I will be
making a trip up there in the next few weeks for a dreaded dentist visit, and a
shop, but that will be only the second time I have been out there.
Here is the
current list, it is a working list and I am SO open to more ideas and your
thoughts. A note on that, please sign up and follow the blog so you can comment
at the bottom if you are a regular reader.
- Photography, I am in the
process of purchasing a Canon DSLR (it should be almost in the mail!
- Continuing my Italian learning,
particularly the grammar side (my weakest area)
- Knitting, I know the temps are
exactly conducive to it, but I enjoy it and it keeps my hands busy and away
from a screen
- Reading, I have quite a few
books sitting waiting to be read, and a library I haven’t even been into yet. Currently reading Rob Riley's biography, as if I don't see enough racism everyday, but it certainly is interesting.
- Blogging, I do want to get more
regular with my blogging.
- Cooking, taking the time to
enjoy cooking the evening meal is something I have to keep working on, after a
long day at work I hardly feel like it, but once I get started I really do
enjoy it.
- Running, we are both doing the
Couch to 5k at the moment; it’s such a head clearer at the end of the day.
- Gardening, this one has already
started my little veggie seeds are starting to sprout and I can’t wait till I
can really start working with them as they continue to grow. I kindly friend
out here has leant me some pots and will also give me some shade cloth to
protect them from the constant sun.
- It’s coming up to Christmas,
one of my favourite times of year, so I must get started on presents and cards,
I am thinking I will make as much as I can sans sewing machine.
- I have decided to contact the
school and volunteer one day a fortnight with the kids, wherever they want to
place me. Once a fortnight I have Thursday Friday off, so I thought one of
those days I could give to being at the school, it would keep me somewhat
current in the teaching world.
So, there is my list, I think it will always change and develop, just as long as I have something to do with my hands and that keeps me occupied at work through a rather slow and quite wet season.
In other news, I took a tour of the Weather Station the other day, it was most informative, rather exciting watching the balloon fill with hydrogen. All, round a worthwhile visit for anyone who has a met centre in their local area, apparently they are becoming something of a lost art thanks to technology. Oh, what would we be without technology?!!?!?! Speaking of, I am still waiting on my iPad, I have very little positive words for Telstra at the moment, and doubt I ever really will!!
That's all from me, off to enjoy the last few hours of my "Sunday".
Ciao xox