Saturday 23 February 2013

7 Day Cleanse

so, we have started a 7 Day Liver Cleanse over here at Dinky Donga. for many reasons, mostly for health and general wellness, but also because i need a break, or my body needs a break from the rather tasty, sugar, alcoholic beverages etc that I have been consuming with gusto in the last few months.

coffee and cake - my love!
generally i think we eat very well, my biggest misgivings being chocolate, tea, coffee and a gin and tonic at the end of a long hot day, or a crisp cool wine (or 2), just writing those words makes my mouth water.

ahh alcohol
i have never been one to diet, this is only the third CLEANSE i have ever attempted in my life, i am a believer of everything In moderation, and that you only live once, so make the most of this life and enjoy good wholesome, tasty food, with a slice of devils food cake thrown in occasionally as a treat.

 this is what i have been enjoying - on the odd occasion
i have to admit, i am struggling, i'm hungry, unsatisfied, headachy, tired and my hands are shaking from the caffeine withdrawals. i feel so lucky that i have the option to make this choice though, that i can willingly decide that this week is cleanse week, but as off Friday week, 5 and a half days (no i am not counting), i'll be able to eat my favourite foods once again. when i look around me, poverty is everywhere, many kids out here are lucky to get one meal a day, and even then i might just be a massive bowl of instant mash. no nutrients there. so while i'm struggling, i'm also feeling so humbled and grateful for all that we have.

veg and fruit galore
there you have it, that's what's going on this week with us. i know i can do it, but writing it down makes me even more resolved to just get through the week and i know we will feel better for it.

first nights dinner
ps. this is my first time posting from the blogger app, so not sure how the formatting will look, what a great app though if it does work. :)

pps. i hope you are well, are you doing any cleanses at the moment? have you in the past?

wish i was still doing this

Sunday 17 February 2013

Some scenes - Tokyo 2013

i had big plans, of photos chronicling my week in tokyo, and all that we did, but there are so many photos, so many memories, it is so hard to narrow them down to just a day soon I might make them into some fancy slide show I can load up onto here, maybe...for now, here are a few scenes.

she is so curious about everything.

the old and the new. tokyo palace grounds with tokyo city in the background.

signs of spring
ghibli museum

hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil (nikko)

so many varieties of seaweed, mind blown at every turn.
once again tokyo and japan wowed me every day, with new sights, sounds and tastes. there is so much to be said for the country and the people, i can't wait to visit again, and i already have plans to see more of the country. for now i shall continue to enjoy munching on green tea kitkats and drinking from my handmade tea cup. 

over and out xx

Friday 15 February 2013

Happy (belated) Valentines Day

Happy belated Valentines to you. 

This painting symbolises Love and home to me, it was given to us 4 years ago, by acclaimed artist Robert McCaffrey, a dear friend from Kondinin days, he called it 'Sacred Harvest'. When he gave it too us, he made us promise to cut it in half if we ever broke up....

To this day it has come with us wherever we have moved, it is one of the first things we find a place for in our new home, it always hangs in our bedroom. 

I think and hope this painting will stay intact for many many years to come. Thank you Robert McCaffrey, for all that you gave us.

How was your Valentines day? xx