Hi there,
Here is a bit of a break down of what has been happening over the last week...its been rather quiet and uneventful on the work front for me, although B has managed to score himself a sweet job...well, a job, with a great company, not actually sure where or when he is starting. So that's all I'm going to write on the matter for now.
The lovely little sicklies that I work with gave me a blocked sinuses this week, so it has been ideal not having any work, and I have been able to concentrate on enjoying the scenery and catching some rays, as the following photos show.
Carnavon Street, Broome (the main drag) |
Our Town Beach and a gull...
What a way to retire!
When you wait and wait and wait for a call, this is what you must practice.
We upgraded the bed, now we have a complete ensemble, in the tent. We get many comments from passers by...
"Our pool is heated!" I mean really, in this weather?!?! (incidentally, its's a loverly pool to swim in)
Have been doing quite a bit of this...Can't complain!
Macchi needed a wash (badly) Looking much brighter now.
I have enjoyed chatting to the bird life, although the gull didn't like the pear I gave it.
We have had to dive into the trailer several times, finally today we found some real cutlery - such novelty, it's a bit of effort.
More bird life scavenging our neighbours camp ground.
Finishing off today with a walk along cable beach.
I'm back to work tomorrow, and a few days next week, so it appears my holiday is over, I have thoroughly enjoyed it; also throwing in quite a lot of reading, drinks and cards with our Belgium neighbours, breakfast pancakes with them, and 'roll starting' the other neighbours 4WD this morning. Forever being entertained by all around us.
So, that is but a taste of our daily lives...hoping to be able to share some of these activities with you all in person at some time or other...
xx |
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