Monday 10 September 2012

Donga life

Wow, things happen fast when you are living our life! Last week the signing of my work contract, the signing of our new lease and the big move/unpack/stress/clean etc. my first day of work and a mad week for B at his work. 

It does feel like we are now settling into a life here, and hopefully in another couple of weeks once work becomes more familiar to me, it might even feel like we have been here forever! 

My employers
Here is a bit of a rather self explanatory house tour for you...The donga is long and simple, it has steel sheeting throughout (much like one would use chipboard, Carla that's what I meant in my txt) Hoping that it wont effect our health, and that it can be looked at as a positive, because it's great to clean and keep clean! That's the sort of surface I like!!

Before the unpacking began...

Our donga...Looks can be deceiving.
 At the far end there is a gate which leads to a back "garden", once the grass is cut and it's cleared, it will be a lovely place for veggie growing and afternoons spent in the shade of our singular tree. 

B has his own home office

New/first rug purchase

Lounge room (finished for the moment) - can't believe how much this looks like Mum's house (note the floral chair!!)...hmmm...

The two things that always must be in my kitchen! Thanks Mum


So, that is where we are at. "donga" is starting to feel like home, it's a great space size wise for us, easy to maintain and we have everything we need. Can't complain, we feel very grateful and blessed that we now have our own home, a place that is ours and ours only (sharing doesn't sit so well any more).

Thus we continue our life in the top end. I will be fortunate enough to experience many of the sights and sounds of the Kimberley through work, while B has the opportunity to fly over many of these sights every day, so stay tuned for some interesting stories and experiences. For the moment however, we solider on with our busy lives, B, flew off to Darwin for the day at 30mins notice this morning, and I have a long day/week ahead of me with work. 

Be well, safe and happy. xox

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